Europe and the Mediterranean Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Internships and Seminars Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Youth and the Mediterranean


“Mi trovo spesso a disagio con il sostantivo cultura…… Se penso alla ragione di ciò mi rendo conto che gran parte del disagio dovuto al sostantivo ha a che fare con il preconcetto che la cultura sia un qualche oggetto, una cosa o una sostanza, fisica o metafisica. Questa sostanziazione sembra riportare la cultura entro lo spazio discorsivo della razza, e cioè proprio entro quell’ idea per contrastare la quale era stata in origine concepita. Se implica una sostanza mentale, il sostantivo cultura privilegia di fatto quell’idea di condivisione, accordo e compiutezza che contrasta fortemente con quel che sappiamo sui dislivelli di conoscenza e sul prestigio differenziale degli stili di vita e distoglie l’attenzione dalle concezioni e dall’azione di coloro che sono emarginati e dominati. Se è invece vista come una sostanza fisica, la cultura comincia allora a puzzare di qualche varietà di biologismo, inclusa la razza, che abbiamo sicuramente superato come categorie scientifiche”.

Arjun Appadurai, Antropologo, Professore di Media, Culture and Communication alla New York University

Cos’è il laboratorio

(a cura di Laura Guazzone, Professoressa di Storia Contemporanea del mondo arabo; Ada Barbaro, Professoressa di Letteratura contemporanea del mondo arabo; Francesco Zappa, Professore di Islamistica)

L’obiettivo del laboratorio è stimolare e migliorare le capacità di riflessione e dibattito dei tirocinanti sulle opere viste durante l’esperienza come membri della Giuria Universitaria del MedFilm Festival in relazione ai temi affrontati nel tirocinio. Il laboratorio si è svolto in un incontro online che si è svolto dalle 10 alle 13 dell’11 febbraio 2022 sulla piattaforma Zoom. Il laboratorio è stato diviso in tre sezioni tematiche denominate “focus”.


1. Cultura e identità nel Mediterraneo  > Letture di Ugo Fabietti, Alessia Melcangi, Francesco Remotti, Marco Antonio Pirrone.

2. Cinema, letteratura e questioni di genere nel Mediterraneo > Letture di Veronica Flora, Aldo Nicosia, Marco Antonio Pirrone, Olga Solombrino.

3. Diritti umani e islam nel Mediterraneo > Letture di Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Marco Antonio Pirrone, Francesco Zappa.

Come si svolge il laboratorio

 Ciascuno studente sarà “oratore” in uno dei tre focus, a sua scelta, e  “commentatore” negli altri due.  In ogni focus ciascun “oratore” ha illustrato al gruppo il proprio discorso attraverso il supporto di slides, il proprio personale percorso di collegamento culturale tra i temi del focus approfonditi nelle letture assegnate e le opere di cui è stato spettatore nel MedFilm Festival. Al termine di tutte le presentazioni di ciascun focus, i commentatori hanno espresso brevemente i propri commenti (di accordo o disaccordo) sulle presentazioni degli “oratori” e analizzato insieme in che modo i film o i documentari visti al MedFilm Festival hanno affrontato/interpretato gli argomenti dei focus nella prospettiva delle analisi delle letture proposte.

“(…) Cosa c’è dopo avere sostenuto (l’ho fatto nel libro L’ossessione identitaria del 2010) che l’identità è un mito, è un mito pernicioso, un mito di cui ci si può liberare? Cosa c’è al posto delle identità? Al posto delle identità sono affiorate le somiglianze. Non è che prima non ci fossero: semplicemente erano tenute nascoste dalle identità, dalla politica delle identità. Le identità tagliano via le somiglianze, le negano (i nazisti negavano qualunque somiglianza con gli ebrei, gli hutu con i tutsi e così via). Ma se ci si libera del pensiero identitario, le somiglianze — dotate di resilienza — riaffiorano. Ho dedicato un libro alle Somiglianze per rendermi conto che esse non sono soltanto in superficie: sono in profondità, perché coincidono con i legami che connettono le varie cose del mondo, compresi i “noi”, compresi i noi identitari. Riconoscere le somiglianze significa aprire una via per la convivenza. Il percorso è poi tutto ancora da compiere (…)”

(estratto da Intervista all’antropologo Francesco Remotti, professore emerito all’Università di Torino, a cura di Daniela Monti)

Professoressa Laura Guazzone, Professor Francesco Zappa, Studentesse del tirocinio

Professoressa Ada Barbaro, Studentesse e Studenti del tirocinio

«(…) L’universalità deve essere costruita attraverso l’idea di consenso progressivo. Per raggiungerlo è necessario tener conto delle relazioni di potere. Questo vale per ogni tipo di universalismo, non solo
per le fedi (…) Il mio scopo è creare consapevolezza della necessità di ricorrere a forme alternative di potere come le istituzioni internazionali. Non lasciare che gli stati si risolvano le questioni fra di loro ma coinvolgere tutta l’umanità… mi sembra che le due cose siano parecchio diverse. Per parlare di dialogo interreligioso, tolleranza e rispetto e per praticarli, servono istituzioni e sistemi normativi. Finché restano il tentativo di singoli, non hanno possibilità di riuscita, ma se si lavora insieme, non si penserà più in termini di quello che l’altro vuole estorcermi o impormi, ma in termini di comunità umana (…)» (da Diritti umani tra potere duro e potere morbido di Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im)

Environment and climate change Europe and the Mediterranean Focus Gender equality Immigration Socio-economic issues and migrations Youth and the Mediterranean

Young people in the Mediterranean

Numerous of scientific publications on the subject and a large statistical data base.

POWER2YOUTH aimed at offering a comprehensive multi-level, interdisciplinary and gender-sensitive approach to the understanding of youth in the SEM (South-Eastern Mediterranean) region with a cross-national comparative design (case studies of Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories, and Turkey). In particular, it explored the root causes of youth exclusion at three different levels of analysis (macro, meso and micro), while also investigating the role of youth collective and individual agency in challenging different forms of power. 

Website POWER2YOUTH. A Comprehensive Approach to the Understanding of Youth Exclusion and the Prospects for Youth-led Change in the South and East Mediterranean

Europe and the Mediterranean Focus Immigration Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Socio-economic issues and migrations Youth and the Mediterranean

Refugee Movements in the Middle East: Old Crises, New Ideas

Title: Refugee Movements in the Middle East: Old Crises, New Ideas

Auteur: Shaden Khallaf

The MENA region has been dealing with waves of refugee crises for decades. Addressing urban and protracted refugee crises in the region contributed to triggering reflection on the global governance of refugee protection. The Global Compact on Refugees now sets out the parameters for stronger solidarity and responsibility-sharing, based on multi-stakeholder partnerships, inclusive and comprehensive solutions, and stronger emphasis on host community support and engagement as the new way forward.



Conflicts Focus Freedom of expression Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Mediterranean and Middle East Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Youth and the Mediterranean

Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity and Power (1994)

Authors: Fatma Müge Göçek & Shiva Balaghi

Employing a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on gender relations, « Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East » questions long-standing stereotypes about the traditional subordination of women in the region. With essays on gender construction in Iran, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, and the Occupied Territories, this collection offers a wide-ranging exploration of tradition, identity, and power in different parts of the Middle East. Seeking to overcome monolithic Western notions of women’s life in « the traditional society, » the essays in Part I reexamine the assumption that such societies leave little room for female participation. Part II focuses on the reconstruction of identities by women in Iran, Turkey, Israel, and the Occupied Territories.The authors examine the complex variables that contribute to the development of identities – including gender, class, and ethnicity – in various Middle Eastern societies, questioning whether certain identities are more important to women than others. These essays also look at the issue of group identity formation versus the autonomy of the individual. Part III looks at the relationship between gender and power in everyday life in Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, and Morocco, showing how power relations are constantly contested and renegotiated among family members and members of a community, between nations and between men and women. With its collection of enlightened and diverse contemporary perspectives on women in the Middle East, « Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East » is an important work that will have significant impact on the way we look at gender in traditional societies.


Environment and climate change Europe and the Mediterranean Focus Freedom of expression Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Socio-economic issues and migrations Youth and the Mediterranean

Trends in Mediterranean Inequalities 1950-2015

Authors: Vittorio Daniele e Paolo Malanima (University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro)


The purpose of this paper is to analyse the trends of economic, social and political inequality among the Mediterranean countries in the period 1950-2015. After the examination of the inequalities in GDP per capita among and within nations, we present a human development index (HDI) that includes a measure of democratic achievements. The main result is that inequalities in income, after the rise from the 1950s onwards, declined from the start of the twenty-first century. Inequalities in HDI, instead, constantly diminished in the period under examination, while a process of democratization occurred. On the whole, despite the convergence among Mediterranean countries, economic inequalities are much deeper than those in social and political indicators.


Environment and climate change Europe and the Mediterranean Focus Freedom of expression Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Socio-economic issues and migrations Youth and the Mediterranean

UNCHR data on refugees in the Mediterranean area

Le portail des données opérationnelles (ODP) a été créé en 2011 pour permettre au HCR de se charger de la responsabilité institutionnelle de fournir une plate-forme de partage d’informations et de données pour faciliter la coordination des urgences de réfugiés. Ceci a été réalisé en utilisant des «vues de situation» indépendantes couvrant les urgences majeures telles que la situation en Syrie ou l’urgence en République centrafricaine et la région méditerranéenne, entre autres.


Europe and the Mediterranean Freedom of expression Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration MedFilm Festival Voices and images archive Youth and the Mediterranean


Director: Sophie Djama

Country: Francia | Year: 2011 | Lenght: 28′

MedFilm Festival 2018 // Démain, Algerie

One evening in Algiers, Myassa is the victim of a rapist who, however, cannot get an erection. Back home he can’t take a shower because the old pipe doesn’t work. The next morning, Myassa has two goals: to report the violence suffered and to call a plumber. She will come face to face with his attacker …


Born in Oran in 1979, Sofia Djama moved to Algiers to complete her studies and graduate in Literature. At the beginning of the 2000s, he began to write a collection of short stories with young Algerians as protagonists. Mollement, a samedi matin, the adaptation of one of these stories, receives two awards at the 2011 Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival. These awards encourage her to pursue a career in the world of cinema. Les Bienheureux (2017), his first feature film, is selected in Venice in the Orizzonti section.

Freedom of expression Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration MedFilm Festival Mediterranean and Middle East Voices and images archive Youth and the Mediterranean


Director: Ines Moldavsky

Country: Israel | Year: 2018 | Duration: 28 ′

An unprecedented look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a dating app. Israeli director Ines Moldavsky tries to meet men the law would forbid her to see. Crossing the border that separates Jerusalem from the West Bank, she finds herself in an unfamiliar physical space. Where do the borders begin and where do they end?

MedFilm Festival 2018 // Rather be Horizontal Women in Film


Born in Buenos Aires in 1990, Ines Moldavsky lives and works in Tel Aviv as a video artist and director of documentaries and experimental films. His works told about sexuality, gender issues and national identity. A graduate of the Sam Spiegel Film School and the Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem, her Midnight (2015) and Cold Facts (2016) have been presented at various international festivals.

Africa and the Mediterranean Blog Europe and the Mediterranean Events Freedom of expression Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration Internships and Seminars Mediterranean and Middle East Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Socio-economic issues and migrations Uncategorized Youth and the Mediterranean

Study day of the “Equal and different” internship Iso-Medfilm Festival 2020-21″

The Department of Oriental Studies – La Sapienza and MEDFILM FESTIVAL present the Internship Study Day “Equal and different: Iso-MedFilm Festival 2020-2021”. During the meeting, the website of the “Voices and Images of Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean” project and the Medfilm Festival archive at the DISO Library will be presented.

The webinar will be held on the zoom platform, Monday 15 February 2021, from 2.00pm to 6.30pm Participation is open to all stakeholders Registration with a nominative request email at the address


Introduction: Franco D’Agostino, Director of the ISO Department; Ginella Vocca, President of MedFilm Festival-MFF; Laura Guazzone, Internship Manager.

h. 14.15-14.25 Presentation of the VOCIMED.IT WEB SITE of the Third Mission Iso project “Voices and images from dialogue intercultural in the Mediterranean ”, L. Guazzone, Iso Sapienza and V. Flora, MFF.

FIRST PART (moderated by Guazzone, directed by Flora)

h. 14.30-15.00 “Human Rights” Theme: Human Rights in Contemporary Islam. An open debate – Francesco Zappa, Iso Sapienza.

h. 15.00-15.10 Debate

h. 15.10-15.45 Theme “cultural dialogue”: The dialogue between cinema and contemporary Arab literature: the Egyptian microcosm – Ada Barbaro, Iso Sapienza.

h.15.45-15.55 Debate

h. 16.00- 16.30 MEDFILM FESTIVAL SHORT Debate

SECOND PART (moderated by Zappa, directed by Barbaro)

h. 16.30-17.00 “Political dialogue” theme: The Mediterranean that unites and divides: contemporary history of an idea – Laura Guazzone, Iso Sapienza.

h. 17.00-17.100 Debate

h. 17.10-17.40 Gender issue theme: Body, awareness and freedom. Paths in Mediterranean cinema – Veronica Flora, MFF

17.40-17.50 Debate

h. 17.50-18.30 What intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean? Concluding remarks and debate

Africa and the Mediterranean Gender equality Human rights, identity and citizenship Immigration MedFilm Festival Voices and images archive Youth and the Mediterranean

Mona Saber

Director: Abdelhaï Laraki

Country: Marocco | Année: 2001 | Durée: 90′

Mona is a young French woman. Her life is shaken when she learns that her father was Moroccan. With a name (Mahmoud Saber), a black and white photo and a love letter addressed to her mother, Mona sets out for Morocco in search of her roots. Her journey between Casablanca and Essaouira will make her discover the different realities of a country that she believed was far away.

MedFilm Festival 2009 // Open Eyes